The Town of Basalt received maps and held chat sessions through May 28, 2014. Over 600 people participated in the discussion – with more than 300 drawings submitted – translating into more than 3,000 ideas (that’s ten ideas per drawing!). There were 181 drawings displayed at “Clasen Corner” alone.
The “Our Town” discussions included everybody from first-graders to octogenarians. People across all parts of our community have contributed and we estimate the pro-bono work contributed by Architects and other Design professionals at more than $100,000.
We’ve heard from them all. It’s what we like to call “participative democracy.” The 3,000 ideas that were generated by the community have been synthesized into Three Alternative Site Plans. The next step is for the community to vote for which one represents what they would like to see in Downtown Basalt.
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1) Download and Print the “Our Town” Ballot (PDF – 5.5 MB)
2) Mail Completed Ballot to:
Our Town Planning Ballot
c/o Basalt Town Hall
101 Midland Avenue
Basalt, Colorado 81621[/one_third] [one_third_last]
If you prefer, you can vote in person at one of two locations:
• Basalt Town Hall (Map)
• Clasen’s Corner (Map).[/one_third_last]
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